
The charge for a comprehensive evaluation is $2800. This includes the following:

• A 60-minute parent interview
• 2-3 testing appointments
• A 90-minute feedback session to review the results
• Review of records (e.g., school, medical, psychiatric)
• A written report

If time is spent for testing, record review, or consultation with school personnel or medical providers that exceeds what is typical, the evaluation may cost $3080.

If an evaluation is brief (e.g., second opinion, partial re-evaluation), the charge will be less than $2800. The specific cost will be based upon the child’s age and reason for evaluation.

Additional services following the completion of an evaluation (e.g., attendance at a school meeting, follow-up consultation, written letters, completion of forms, phone calls) are billed at an hourly rate of $250/hr. Time spent for any record review and/or preparation for calls and meetings is also billed.


At the time an evaluation is scheduled, a credit card number will be taken and placed on file, and a Good Faith Estimate will be provided . At the first appointment, parents can:

1) ask that the credit card on file be billed, 2) provide a different credit card number to be billed, or 3) pay by personal check.

When an evaluation is complete, an itemized invoice (e.g., superbill) will be provided that may be submitted to an insurance company or flexible spending account for reimbursement.A receipt for payment can be obtained at an earlier time.

Fulfillment Policy: If an evaluation is cancelled after the first parent interview appointment, parents will be refunded $2000 by check.